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Brilliant Tutors

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Taking Online Tutoring to the Next Level

Each one of our tutors goes through a full scale-screening process and background check to ensure we select the most qualified tutors for our students. We firmly believe to become the best, our students should learn from the best, This is why we value experience, qualification and personality to on-board tutors you can trust.

Unlock your academic potential with our affordable tutoring services. Our expert educators provide personalized guidance at budget-friendly rates, ensuring accessible learning for all. Empower your education without breaking the bank.

Experience personalized learning tailored just for you. Our platform offers customized tutoring sessions that cater to your unique learning style and goals. Transform your educational journey with tailored support designed to maximize your potential.

Embark on a flexible learning journey anytime, anywhere. Our platform offers convenient access to expert tutoring services, empowering you to learn at your own pace and convenience. Seize the opportunity to excel wherever you are, whenever you want.

Connect with verified expert tutors for top-tier guidance. Our platform rigorously screens and selects knowledgeable educators, ensuring you receive trusted instruction. Elevate your learning experience with confidence in the expertise of our tutors

Our Mission

To optimize the learning of students from different backgrounds by providing accessibility and reducing the barriers that may occur. BLKBRIK Tutors are committed to providing a platform for effective teaching and learning. Cultivating a love for learning, encouraging and transforming attitudes towards learning and unlocking the full potential of every student.

Our Initiatives

We encompass a comprehensive approach to delivering high-quality education in the digital age. We prioritise ongoing professional development to ensure our tutors stay current with the latest pedagogical methods and technologies.

Our Initiatives

BLKBRIK Tutors deliver a conducive approach towards advancing students in succeeding in their studies. Teaching students digitally, means there are no excuses for our students being able to access high quality learning. Our tutors all come from subject specialist backgrounds and have worked in different educational industries at different levels and are always trained with up to date information on cognitive science in education, pedagogical techniques as well as teaching technologies and tools.


Simple & Easy Steps

Pick A Subject

We currently offer tutoring in three major subject areas - Maths, English and Science. Click on any of the subjects we offer and go through our list of tutors providing top-tier lessons in your selected subject.

Find Your Perfect Tutor

Choose from our experienced tutors based on your time, budget and teaching style needs. Check out their profiles, reviews and wealth of experience.

Book Your Lessson

Find the perfect time to learn that fits within your schedule.

Enter Your Live Virtual Classroom

Get tutored on blkbrik as easy as ABC, when its your lesson time connect through our live video stream and enjoy.

Face to face tuition available, email to inquire. 


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